Wednesday, September 23, 2009


What do you know about pod casting?

Honestly, I really do not know anything about pod casting. I'm just getting the hang of this said pod casting

What do you think/want to learn about pod casting?

I would like to learn how to become good at pod casting, half-ass is not an option...I would like to learn how it can be added onto a lesson and how pod casting came to be for some odd reason....I'm a nerd I need specifics :-)

What do you see as the advantages to pod casting?

I think the advantages are that if in a school scene you give the students a chance to become aware of how they sound all the while controlling some aspects of what they do. Another good thing about pod casting is that you get to hear how you as the teacher sound and experience what the students hear. Whether you say umm or you guys or the little things you just don't catch yourself saying because its so second nature.

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